created 04.06.2005, last changes: 2023-05-21 ps

>>> Frequently Asked Questions <<<

This file summarizes some of the most popular questions I have been asked concerning IDEfile. Besides that, some information is collected here that did not fit into the main article.

Parts, shipping and availability

Technical questions

The following pictures show two ways to mount your IDEfile board. Tom Stepleton has used a ProFile case for his system. Display and volume selector switch (a thumbwheel switch like the SCSI ID setting) are located on the back, so no permanent modifications to the housing were necessary. The ProFile power supply needs a minimum load to operate properly, otherwise its voltages are unstable and too high. Therefore a small switchmode regulator module ("7805 replacement") has been used to generate the stabilized +5 V required for board and CF card from the ProFile's 12 V line. The CF card has also been mounted on the back so that it can be easily removed if necessary. Some ideas how to make regular backups of your data are described below ;-).

Two other ways to mount your IDEfile: using a ProFile housing (left image, © Tom Stepleton) and inside the Lisa drive cage (right image, © Peter Weno).
using a ProFile case mounted inside drive cage

Peter Weno just screwed his board (fitted with a DOM module) to the ventilations slots on the side of the card cage. His Lisa is a 2/10, therefore parallel port and power cables were already there. For a 2/5 you will need to run the parallel cable from the Lisa's rear into the card cage. Power can be tapped from the second (unused) floppy cable, as described above. A piece of plastic material was used as a support for the Ready LED. With the attached front cover everything looks like a real Lisa 2/10 -- except for the missing grinding noise of the Widget.

Apple III and Lisa

Operating Systems

Backup and Restore

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IDEfile is copyright (c) by Dr. Patrick Schäfer, 2004

Apple, Lisa, ProFile, Widget and the ProFile communications protocol are (c) by Apple Computer Inc.

This page is hosted at John, a server of the Computer Club der RWTH Aachen e.V.