My Telefunken Collection

TT 750

Photo of TT 750's Front
Photo of TT 750's Back
Photo of TT 750's Innards

Device Type

Digital Synthesizer Tuner

Start of Sale


General Description

The TT 750 was a true innovation and Telefunken's top tuner in the 1979/1980 era. It was Telefunken's first tuner to offer a fully digital tuning concept, based on a microprocessor and a frequency synthesizer circuit. Building such a sytem was far more effort than it is today, due to the lack of off-the-shelf components. Telefunken designed three customer-specific circuits, two for the microprocessor/synthesizer and one for the digital frequency display. The TT750 remained Telefunken's only syntesizer tuner until 1981, when the RT 200 and RT 300 came out, and the RT 300 reused many of the TT 750's design.

Looking under the hood, it becomes evident that the TT 750's cabinet is almost as empty as for the TT 350. It uses the same housing as all other tuner/amplifier/receicer devices from the 1979 era, which means a lot of unused space for a tuner. The synthesizer and display part is concentrated in the shielded box at the front, and the tuner section is distributed over three boards on the right. It necessarily has to be more complex than for a simple analog tuner, since it has to be tunable via Varicap diodes instead of a variable capacitor, and this Varicap-based tuning plus the processor section requires a more complex power supply. The tuner boards were not exclusively designed for the TT 750, writings on them document thet they were originally designed for the HR 5000 resp. TR 550.

Another unique feature is the power switch. It is not a real power switch, it is a push-button plus some electronics and a relay on the transformer board. This means that a TT 750 is never really off, but it eliminates the mechanical power switch that has been a troublemaker in Telefunken devices over several generations. The push-button however seems not to be of good quality either, since some TT 750's also exhibited wear-out, and this construction was dropped.

Photo of TT 750's Tuning Dial The tuning knob that resembles the operation of an analog tuner is a very rare feature for synthesizer tuners. To my knowledge, the TT 750 is the only synthesizer tuner from Telefunken that has one. A gear is fixed on the tuning wheel and two light barriers deliver pulses when the knob is being turned. Even the 'flywheel-like' feeling of old radios is still there - the know is so large and heavy that it makes the flywheel...


Digital synthesizing tuning system, AM/FM, both manual and automatic tuning, digital frequency input via keyboard, signal strength and exact tuning indicator, variable muting level, AF output level adjustable


FM Antenna (symmetric + coaxial), AM Antenna, AF Output (both DIN an Cinch)

Technical Data

(taken from the service manual)
FM Section
Wave Range: 87.6 - 108 MHz
Circuits: 11
Input Sensitivity: 0.6 µV at 60 Ohms Stereo
2 µV at 60 Ohms Stereo
Intermediate Frequency: 10.7 MHz
IF Bandwidth: 150 kHz
Selection: > 80 dB at +/- 300 kHz aerial signal
Distortion Factor: < 0.25% Mono/< 0.4% Stereo
Range of Strength Display: 20 µV - 5 mV
FM Extraneous Voltage Ratio: > 64 dB Mono/60 dB Stereo
FM Signal-to-Noise Ratio: > 71 dB Mono/66 dB Stereo
Pilot Tone Suppression: > 53 dB (DIN 45 500 Sht. 2)
Channel Separation: > 40 dB @ 1 KHz
AM Section
Wave Range: MW = 510 - 1609 kHz (588 - 186 m)
Circuits: 6
Intermediate Frequency: 460 kHz
IF Bandwidth: 4.7 kHz
Mains Supply: 220/110 V
Fuses: Primary: T 200 mA
Secondary: T 500 mA / T 100 mA
Dimensions: 460 x 145 x 350 mm (W/H/D)
Weight: 7 kg

Common Failures

Photo of TT 750's Processor Section Parts of the power supply for the synthesizer section are located in the metal-shielded housing itself. This even includes a small 50 Hz transformer that generates the ground-free heating voltage for the vaccum fluorescence display, and some linear regulators. All this generares a considerable amount of heat, and the whole tuning system becomes fairly warm, not a good operating condition for electrolytic capacitors. So if your TT 750 starts acting 'funny', checking all electrolytic capacitors is the first thing to do. I havel also been told that the solder joints of the VFD tend to go bad, so resoldering the VFD is a good idea when you're anyway at it...

Photo of TT 750's Power Suppy Section Another common failure the TT 750 also shares with its 'successor' RT 300 is the bridge rectifier in the tuner section's supply, paired with a blown fuse. Telefunken was one of the few manufacturers that still used selen-based rectifiers in consumer electronics, partly because of the price, but also because they simply where available in the AEG-Telefunken company. Selen-based rectifiers are known to have a finite lifetime that is much shorter than the one of silicon-based rectifiers, and it seems that the digital tuning section also partly depends on this supply. The rectifier is a small red box located next to the copper heatsink of the voltage regulator and the filter capacitor. In this device, the rectifier already has been replaced and I placed the new rectifier on the PCB's underside - that's why there is no red box visible on this picture. The location is difficult to reach without disassembling a lot and I was lazy ;-)

Spare Part Numbers

(taken from the service manual)
Cabinet Parts
501 309 796 045 cabinet, brown
502 309 796 046 cabinet, champagne
503 309 863 988 frame chassis
505 309 833 622 front cover, brown
506 309 833 623 front cover, champagne
507 309 833 624 cover for sockets
508 309 770 920 cabinet foot
509 309 802 114 tuning knob
510 309 802 127 control knob for muting, black
511 309 802 128 output level knob with shaft, black
513 309 833 625 control panel, brown
514 309 833 626 frequency display cover, brown
515 309 833 390 plexi glass cover for fuse compartment
516 309 868 967 button plate 1, 3-fold
517 309 868 968 button plate 2, 22-fold
518 309 868 969 button plate 3, 2-fold
Electrical Parts
519 309 601 701 FM antenna
520 309 603 807 AM antenna
521 309 695 935 power cable
522 309 627 914 fuse T 200 mA
D 1/2 309 327 022 LED FLV 110 red
R 1 309 500 075 film variable resistor 10 kOhm, muting
BU 700/701 309 679 949 cinch socket
BS 5110 349 395 024 digital tuning system
BS 5113 309 369 982 AM AFC module
BS 5205 349 364 972 AM module
BS 5527 349 369 990 stand-by module
BS 5603 349 350 926 FM mixer
BS 5609 349 364 977 FM module
BS 5709 309 369 959 separator stage for frequency counter
BS 5730 349 395 022 LED indicator
BS 5744 349 370 986 AF preamplifier
BS 5766 309 369 983 opto coupler
Digital Tuning System
BS 5110 349 395 024 digital tuning system
C 700/701 309 461 703 Ta-electr.-cap. 22 µF/6.3 V
C 715 309 450 805 disc trimmer 10/60/250 V
C 723 309 414 730 Al-electr.-cap. 220 µF/16 V is.
C 724/727/749 309 461 709 Al-electr.-cap. 15 µF/25 V
C 731 309 461 710 Ta-electr.-cap. 0.1 µF/35 V
C 732 309 413 482 Al-electr.-cap. 100 µF/25 V is.
C 733 309 414 800 Al-electr.-cap. 1000 µF/25 V is.
C 734 309 414 696 Al-electr.-cap. 220 µF/35 V is.
C 753 339 582 048 Al-electr.-cap. 10 µF/10 V is.
D 701-703/ 339 529 034 Diode 1 N 4148
D 709 309 325 113 diode BZX 55
D 710/714 309 325 951 diode 1 N 4001
D 711 309 325 114 diode BZX 85
D 712 309 325 115 diode BZX 55 I
D 718/720/752 309 327 061 diode 1 N 4148 spez.
D 713 309 325 116 diode BZX 85 C 18
FU 700 309 625 913 fuse T 500 mA
GR 700 309 326 922 rectifier B 40 C 500
IC 700 309 368 279 IC SP 8794 P
IC 701 309 368 207 IC 74 LS 90 N
IC 702 309 368 280 IC DFU 102
IC 703 309 368 281 microprocessor DFC 102 A
IC 704 309 368 240 MOS-IC ER 1400
IC 707 309 368 283 IC LM 324 N
IC 708 309 368 284 IC CA 3080 E
IC 709 309 368 285 IC LF 355 spez.
IC 710 309 368 130 IC UA 78 GU 1 C
IC 1703 309 368 299 microprocessor DFC 102 B
L 701/702 309 250 934 RF choke coil
O 700 309 335 700 crystal 4 MHz
R 712 309 504 975 variable resistor 50 KOhm
RG 701/702 309 502 311 resistor array 8 x 56 KOhm
T 700/701 309 001 257 transistor BF 241 P
T 702-707 309 556 087 transistor BC 548 B
T 708-711 309 001 255 transistor BC 557 B
TR 700 309 310 147 transformer
V 700 309 395 035 digital display
524 309 659 133 switch plate, 27-fold
525 309 653 501 fuse holder
526 309 689 930 IC socket, 40 contacts
AM AFC Module
BS 5113 309 369 982 AM AFC module
C 183 309 411 677 Al-electr.-cap. 10 µF/25 V is.
FI 174 309 121 601 band filter
IC 171 309 368 092 IC TBA 120 U
528 309 689 905 IC socket, 14 contacts
AM Module
BS 5205 349 364 972 AM module
BU 201 309 670 923 AM antenna socket
C 171/179 309 411 669 Al-electr.-cap. 22 µF/10 V is.
C 182 309 412 679 Al-electr.-cap. 47 µF/25 V is.
C 215/251 309 450 605 disc trimmer 10/40/250 V
C 221/268 309 450 805 disc trimmer 10/60/250 V
C 259/271 309 411 677 Al-electr.-cap. 10 µF/25 V is.
C 274 309 410 641 Al-electr.-cap. 4.7 µF/25 V is.
D 211/232/ 309 325 080 diode BA 244 spez.
D 218/219 309 327 062 diode MVAM 125 M 2, paired
FI 170 309 111 802 band filter
FI 171 309 103 954 IF filter
FI 172/173 309 220 069 ceramic resonator 460 kHz
FP 201/202 309 914 708 ferrite pearl Valvo No. 431
IC 170 309 368 133 IC TDA 1046
L 207 309 250 930 RF choke 2200 µH
L 208 309 207 923 pre-circuit coil MW 1
L 210 309 207 924 pre-circuit coil MW 2
L 213 309 249 098 filter coil
L 220 309 217 940 oscillator coil MW 1
L 223 309 217 941 oscillator coil MW 2
LA 201 309 621 952 miniature bulb 12 V/40 mA
R 203 309 590 504 photo resistor RPY 58 A
R 279 309 509 401 variable resistor 10 KOhm/0.07 W
T 202-204 309 001 248 transistor BC 308 B
T 205 309 001 949 transistor BC 238 B
530 309 566 062 lamp holder
Stand-By Module
BS 5527 349 369 990 stand-by module for power supply
C 506 309 411 677 Al-electr.-cap. 10 µF/25 V is.
C 507 309 414 662 Al-electr.-cap. 22 µF/35 V is.
D 501 309 325 927 diode 1 N 4148
D 502 309 325 103 diode BZX 55 C 12
D 503 309 325 954 diode 1 N 4005
D 504 309 325 117 diode BZX 55 C 30
D 505 309 325 956 diode 1 N 4007
FU 501 309 627 914 fuse T 200 mA
IC 501 309 368 286 MOS-IC CD 4013 B
RS 309 636 941 relay
T 501 339 556 222 transistor BC 547 B
TR 1 309 310 148 mains transformer
FM Mixer
BS 5603 349 350 926 FM mixer MT 3
C 602/604/605/ 309 453 810 foil trimmer 1,4 6
C 616 309 452 813 tube trimmer 6 P 1.4 P
D 601/603 309 325 081 diode BB 204 green
D 602/605 309 325 074 diode BB 204 blue
L 601/602 309 209 925 antenna coil
L 603/604 309 249 125 intermediate filter coil 1
L 605 309 249 127 intermediate filter coil 2
L 606 309 220 039 filter coil 10.7 MHz
L 607/608 309 249 126 filter coil 2/10.7 MHz
L 609 309 219 932 oscillator coil
L 610 309 259 933 RF choke coil
T 601 309 001 254 transistor BF 256 B 3
T 602 309 001 243 transistor BF 256 B 2
T 603 309 001 238 transistor BF 441
FM Module
BS 5609 349 364 977 FM module
BS 5709 309 369 959 separator stage for frequency counter
BU 601 309 670 927 FM antenna socket
C 109/135 309 413 482 Al-electr.-cap. 100 µF/25 V
C 114 309 411 671 Al-electr.-cap. 10 µF/16 V
C 119 309 410 641 Al-electr.-cap. 4.7 µF/25 V
C 124 309 411 704 Al-electr.-cap. 10 µF/16 V
C 125 309 410 688 Al-electr.-cap. 1 µF/25 V
C 127 309 461 992 Ta-electr.-cap. 2.2 µF/16 V
D 101-105 309 325 927 diode 1 N 4148
D 106/107 309 324 903 diode AA 139
FI 101 309 103 952 ceramic filter 10.7 MHz
FI 301/1301 309 103 948 ceramic filter 19 kHz/38 kHz
IC 101 309 368 042 IC L 103 T 1
IC 103 309 368 172 IC CA 3189 E
IC 104 309 368 173 IC TCA 4500 A
L 101 309 259 934 RF choke coil
L 102 309 249 077 choke coil
L 103 309 249 124 filter coil 10.7 MHz
L 615 309 259 919 choke
R 109 309 504 975 variable resistor 50 K/1/0.15 W
R 139 309 500 059 variable resistor 10 K/1/0.15 W
R 149 309 500 635 variable resistor 10 K/1/0.15 W
R 157 309 500 071 variable resistor 5 K/1/0.15 W
T 101/102/104/ 309 001 226 transistor BC 558 B
T 105/106/103 339 556 087 transistor BC 548 B
Separator Stage
BS 5709 309 369 959 separator stage for frequency counter
L 705 309 259 919 choke
T 712 309 001 933 transistor BF 241
LED Indicator
BS 5730 349 395 022 LED indicator for field strength
D 701-707 309 327 053 LED CQY 85 red
D 711 309 327 022 LED FLV 110 red
IC 701 309 368 230 IC U 244 B
IC 702 309 368 231 IC U 254 B
532 309 900 292 diode support, 12-fold
533 309 651 974 sockets bar, 5 contacts
AF Pre-Amplifier
BS 5744 349 370 986 AF preamplifier
BU 301 309 672 801 diode socket, 5 contacts
BU 302/1302 309 679 503 cinch socket
C 303/503/1303 309 411 671 Al-electr.-cap. 10 µF/16 V is.
C 309/1309 309 410 728 Al-electr.-cap. 4.7 µF/40 V
C 506 309 413 482 Al-electr.-cap. 100 µF/25 V is.
C 512 309 414 737 Al-electr.-cap. 2200 µF/40 V
C 513/514 309 412 655 Al-electr.-cap. 47 µF/50 V
D 501-503/ 309 325 927 diode 1 N 4148
D 506 309 325 634 diode BZY 85 C 16
D 507 309 325 072 diode BZY 85 C 22
D 508/509 309 325 952 diode 1 N 4002
FU 501 309 627 913 fuse T 500 mA
FU 502 309 627 906 fuse T 100 mA
GR 501 309 320 602 rectifier C 30/350
IC 503/301 309 368 287 IC MC 14016 BCP
IC 302/1302 309 368 212 IC HA 1457
IC 501 309 368 130 IC UA 78 GU 1C
R 303/1303 309 504 998 variable resistor 5 + 5 kOhm
R 526 309 504 996 variable resistor 50 KOhm/0.15 W
T 301/1301 309 001 047 transistor BF 254
T 501-503/504/ 337 556 087 transistor BC 548 B
T 507/508/505 309 001 226 transistor BC 558 B
T 512/514/515/ 309 001 106 transistor BC 327/M/N
534 309 689 905 IC socket, 14 contacts
535 309 653 501 fuse holder
Opto Coupler
BS 5766 309 369 983 opto coupler module
Mechanical Parts
536 309 863 988 frame chassis
537 309 943 018 tuning shaft
538 309 900 319 tuning bearing
539 309 900 295 diode holder
540 309 900 320 support for control panel
541 309 940 942 slotted disc for opto coupler
542 309 785 950 bearing for tuning shaft
543 309 861 810 plastic support fro AM module fixing

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©2002 Alfred Arnold,